Healthy again after a long vacation.

After a long and lovely vacation enjoying amazing food and wine in Italy and France, I thought it was a good idea to get a "jump start" to a more healthy living through a juice detox from Sundhedsværkstedet . I tried it ones before and I loved and felt good about it. Camilla who has Sundhedsværkstedet prepare these great juices, smoothies and soups of fruit and vegetables which cleans your system really well. The detox makes you less bloated and makes you feel better and ready to take on everyday life with much more energy. All you have to do is pay and pick up. You should really try it!

Enjoy, Christina

No sugar, No coffee, No meat, No wine, it´s a new type of day for me.

There is no way around it, and I have tried to avoid it for tooooooo long !!! 

In general I am fairly healthy, with a few bad habits. But since today I will try to do the right thing and quit some of the bad and introduce the good. A good friend of mine introduced me to "Sundhedsvaerkstedet" . Camilla the owner, takes care of everything, and delivers 2-day boxes strait to your doorstep. It´s so me to do it in this way. All you need to do is to keep away from everything else, and enjoy the amazing juices, smoothies and soups Camilla has prepared for you. It´s my first day, and I miss my coffee a lot. I even had a bad headache, but apart from this I feel absolutely fine. And the thought of what this detox will do for me makes it all much easier. I can´t wait to see how great I feel in a couples of day´s. Maybe it will make me do even healthier choices in the future. We will see.

When it comes to knives, I am a total chicken.

Probably because I had several serious surgical operations in my time. Not to say that I am against cosmetic surgery. Whatever makes you happy..........I am all for it! Nothing is more important than happiness :-)  And I would probably have something done in the future anyway, but for now I will try something els. I love a natural, fresh and soft face. And in my age, having grown up with a bit too much sun, a few bad habits and an inherit of a delicate skin, obviously it does not sit like it used to do......gravity is starting to show.  After the holidays where I may have overdone it a bit, ll try to get slowly back into shape and maybe even visit that famous gym I enrolled in last year :-/    But I will start at the top and work my way down. I will massage my way to a fresher face with this mineral infused Slim Cera beauty roller, I just bought. I will use it twice a day to revitalize skin quality with it´s five diamond-cut mesh rollers that stimulate my facial muscles to roll out dirt, cleanse pores and tighten the skin.

Then I apply Sisley morning and night. Unfortunately I didn´t understand the importance of a toner before 14 days ago, when I was explained that toner removes the lime ( kalk ) of all the water I splash on my face, which makes the skin super dry. And apart from the toner I use my HYDRA-GLOBAL during the day and Black rose olie for the night and let my skin work a little on its own, instead of putting heavy cremes like I used to and then the mask 1 time a week to energise the skin. Pretty simple.......just the way I like it.
