Cash & Rocket fundraising tour 2019.

"I attended Cash&Rocket´s first tour in 2012 were we supported RED, a Global Fund, who’s organisation has helped more than 140 million people with prevention, treatment, counselling, HIV testing and care services. I was amazed with the idea of empowering women gathering to help with important charities, and of cause the professional way the Cash&Rocket team planned the event.

Throughout the years I have been delighted to see the development of Cash&Rocket. They have grown and shown their worth, ability and will to help where needed. The first year we were able to raise a big sum of money for the RED, but since then even larger funds has been raised due to dedication, effort and hard work. This have made it possible for Cash&Rocket to provide life-changing support for women and children in need all over the world - including building schools for young girls in Sierra Leone.

This years fundraising will all go to The Helen Bamber Foundation, The Sumbandila Scholarship Trust and The Dream for future Africa Foundation.

We will drive through 4 European cities attending events, and try to get as many people to donate as much as possible.

If we do not meet you during the 4 day rally, please help us here, donate whatever you can spare, everything helps. Thank you very much.

“I cannot wait to be a part of the tour again this year, and start helping."

Christina Brangstrup Arnoldi

Follow us on Instagram @casachristina @cash_and_rocket


LA FAMIGLIA tables exhibited at Bredgade Open 2016.


I hope you all had a great summer. Now it is time to get serious again, and we are happy to start off with a great event in Copenhagen center. In connection with Bredgade Open, which is an event created from all the amazing furniture, arts and design shops represented at Bredgade, LA FAMIGLIA will be exhibiting already from Tuesday the 16th of August three tables at GALLERY CHRISTOFFER EGELUND . One in walnut decorated with steel, one in smoked Oak decorated with brass and one in high gloss black laqured Oak with bench and leather cushions.

Please join us for drinks and snacks Friday the 19th. of August from 11am-7pm and see the tables and arts.

My table `La Grande Mamma` exhibited at Gallery Christoffer Egelund.

My favorite gallery in Copenhagen GALLERI CHRISTOFFER EGELUND has been so kind to include my table ´La Grande Mamma´ from my LA FAMIGLIA FURNITURE collection in connection with their SUMMERTIME16 exhibition which starts on FRIDAY MAY 27TH. Come and join and enjoy, great art and design together.

La Grande Mamma in smoked oak with thin brass decor on edge of table.

Looking forward to seeing you there, Christina

by Malene Birger.

I was invited to attend the F/W 2016 fashion show by danish brand, by Malene Birger last week during Copenhagen Fashion Week. The show was held in Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek next to TIVOLI in the center of Copenhagen. An awesome location, which was kind of my " home " , as I was sketching for at least a couple of month here, during my years of studying design and architecture. The show was amazing, and I can´t wait to get my hand on the wide high waisted pants and great fur coats from the collection. I see the 40´, 50´ and 70´ in this collection, which is very mature and elegant, and with great color.

Mrs. Malene Birger the founder and original designer of the brand has always been a busy lady. First in 1997 when she created the fashion company,  Day Birger et Mikkelsen with Keld Mikkelsen, since in 2003 with the fashion brandby Malene Birger and now in 2014 with her interior design studio Birger1962. And with everything she makes, whether it´s in fashion or interior, you see a red line of elegance and international style. Very impressive and admirable. Christina

F/W 2016 show at Glyptoteket.

F/W 2016 great color, elegance, chopped high waisted pants and lovely fur.

This new Torun Bag, by Malene Birger is going to be mine very soon, I am sure :-)

Mrs. Malene Birger herself.

by Malene Birger headquarter Copenhagen, Frederiksberg.

by Malene Birger headquarter in Copenhagen, Frederiksberg.

Interior at by Malene Birger headquarter, super stylish and feminine. I was in a meeting here not long ago. What a beautiful place to turn up for work every morning.

Interior by Malene Birger

Birger1962 interior studio, with great inspiration from all of Malene Birger´s travels around the world.

 Remember if you need help with a personal styling, I will be happy to assist you , Christina

CASA CHRISTINA is proud to present " La Grande Mamma ".

I was amazed, happy and grateful to all of you, who came to visit in great spirit and with lovely words at my first small event to show you my newly designed table " La Grande Mamma " from the series " LA FAMIGLIA ".

SPOTLIGHT,  FOSCARINI and myself CASA CHRISTINA has entered in a cooperation at SPOTLIGHT Event´s showroom in St. Kongensgade 103,  1264 Copenhagen K, and I am now able to present the first of many tables and furniture which can be ordered from the series " LA FAMIGLIA ". Come visit us and see the first table ´La Grande Mamma´ 

Let me present to you " La Grande Mamma " .

She has been with me always, but finally I can present her to you all ..... " La Grande Mamma ".

I call her "she" and " La Grande Mamma ", because she is the first and biggest and most important in my new furniture collection - LA FAMIGLIA . And as we all know, it´s always Mamma who gets everybody together. Before I became a mother myself, it would be my mother and before that, my grandmother . I designed " La Grande Mamma " many years ago, for my house in Sicily. The table represent to me, togetherness and happy times, which I usually spend with my family, so this is the reason I have named the collection - LA FAMIGLIA. My family could easily be Italian. I dare say, we are maybe even more Italian, that most Italians. On top of that, being married to an Italian and also having had all of his family around the past 22 years, I would say I pretty much qualify to know a little something about family, gatherings, coziness, giant lunches and dinners involving a table.

I hope you like it, half as much as I love it.  Christina

My first sketch of " La Grande Mamma "

Join us for a glass of bubbles at the SPOTLIGHT EVENTS showroom Tuesday 15th of December from 3 o’clock St. Kongensgade 103, 1264 Copenhagen - and see the real thing.


Christmas wreath done by me !!!!

To say the least I really impressed myself this morning. I was invited to an amazing event at SØLYST  by Rungstedgaard with a theme of Christmas. First everybody had a tasteful breakfast and the smooth TREVERI ROSE , which by the way is served at the Royal Palace. After lovely songs by NELLIE ETTISON , we were introduced to EDITION POSHETTE who quitely walked us through the making of a christmas wreath. I am not much of a DIY girl normally, but I did it sooo well today. I am very proud and happy :-)

You still got time, let me explain you how. 

1. Start with a good glass of wine or Champagne  ;-)  

Then buy a " naked " straw wreath, green wire and different pine branches at your local flower shop. 

2. Buy some lovely christmas decorations and candles of you like, WITH wire.

3. Fasten the wire to the wreath with a knot , and slowly fasten the different branches around the wreath, with the thinner branches on the inside, to not make it too full. And finish everything off with a knot.

4. Then use you creative side and fantasy, apply you decor and candles as you like.

And voila´ - You just saved yourself a fortune and had the best happy time and meditation you could wish for.

Merry Christmas, my favorit time of year !


KVANUM, KLARLUND, GUBI & CAFE´ PLATEAU. It´s been a great week for me with lots of cozy and amazing events.

The past week or two I have been having the pleasure to be invited to some great events.


It started at KVANUM KØKKEN in Hellerup last Thursday. KVANUN KØKKEN hosted a lovely evening where you could find an amazing mix of all the best from kitchens to cars to ceramics to hunting to travel to rugs to food and coffee. KVANUM KØKKEN , the host of the night with their luxury designed kitchens. MADEAMANO , and their lovely coloured ceramic wall and floor tiles. KNOTHOUSE , and their beautiful silk rugs. VOLVO , with the brand new 4 wheel drive for family and hunting. PEACOCK TRAVEL , with their great designed trips to the best places in the world and many many more. Thank you KVANUM KØKKEN for such a great and interesting evening.


Thursday this week GUBI had a nice x-mas event, presenting LEIF SIGERSEN celebrating his 25 anniversary. He in cooperation with  LA GLACE presenting their lovely flower pasties and with Anne Fabricius Møller,  cute x-mass candles and much more.


We, who live 10 minutes out north of the center of Copenhagen in " RESERVATET " had a nice surprise last week with the opening of CAFE´ PLATEAU, on Hellerup Strandvej,  by the former owner of our ´hang out bar ´ from our youth, ZEZE . This cozy small place is already busy by us driving in and out from the city everyday. So nice finally to have a place to meet having a place to enjoy a glass of wine and a salat after work. 


Creme della Creme of events this week I have to say was KLARLUND´s event at BØRSEN ( the danish stock exchange ) First of all, the building is one of Copenhagens oldest and most beautiful, build at the same time as The Round Tower during the reign of King Christian IV. The view coming up to the entrance of the event was amazing with lit up trees in red and the whole facade of the building with light and fire. Security at it´s highest because of all the valuable jewellery, both vintage and new,  inside for us to look at and try on. I got a few good ideas for x-mas ;-) Thank you so much, Klarlund.

Great event week, Christina.


If you visit Louisiana Museum north of Copenhagen these days you will experience the great art pieces of YAYOI KUSAMA. These graphic childlike colourful pieces can only make you super happy and you are even allowed to touch :-)  Definitely worth a visit.

La Signora herself YAYOI KUSAMA, slightly eccentric you might say, but in a great way.

If you are smart you will go there on a week day, otherwise you might not be the only one there. Enjoy, Christina

Great Halloween at our house.

We had an amazing Halloween in the house. There were something for all. The boys were super creative and caved some cool pumpkins, Luca bought enough candy to last us until next year and I had put out soda and blood red wine shots for the poor parents who had walked the streets for hours and hours. This became a very popular attraction in our neighbour hood :-)

See you next year, Christina

Trick ´r Treat.

For me Halloween has always been something frightening since, my best friend and I, went alone to see the movie ´Halloween`  at the age of 10 in Vester Vov Vov ( if you have my age you remember Michael Myers and Jamie Lee Curtis really well, ........because you won´t be able to forget ) and then 10 years later attending a Halloween party in London which also scared the living ....... out of me ( the English like the American´s go all in when it comes to Halloween !! ) 

These day´s it´s a different story and I know my own limits better, for which reason I only get involved with kids stuff during Halloween. Since we went back to Copenhagen we are all in 31th of October in our neighbourhood. I was surprised the first year to see how many kids turned up. I usually don´t buy too little of anything, but that night I stood up from the couch and answered the door close to 99 times, really !!!! In the end I had to give the rest of the kids small exclusive Olive Olie bottle samples because I has out of candy. I have now learned my lesson and buy plenty :-) Another super important thing during Halloween are the right tools and you will not be standing like I did the first year with you heart up your throat while trying to carve and decorate 10 pumpkin with 9 small boys with each their butcher knife :-/ I hope their mothers won´t read this newsletter. Here is a little inspiration for next week.

Decorations of the house is important. Some go all the way with gimmick´s and scary stuff others are more simple like me.

Cakes and Candy are the main ingredient for a good Halloween. Make scary cup cakes with bleeding scares, meringue ghost´s, blood-like alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks and to serve kids "dirty-finger-free" candy insert lollipop´s in a pumpkin.

Make cute decorations and maybe not all in orange, if you are not a big fan like me, ......unless it involves Hermes ;-)

As for costumes you can do whatever you like. Cute, smart , sexy, scary, even simply through a sheet over you head and make 2 holes to peep through.

This is how it ended up this year, with Olivers good friends, great pumpkins, red wine for the parents, a beautiful decorated house and a little sickness after all the candy.

Boooo and enjoy, Christina 

Design Awards 2015.

About last night. Most of the day I went from event to event. First ARPER with great showrooms, designs and speeches in Parkhus 48, then my sisters pop up shop for, with mega marshmallow in the center of Copenhagen and last but not least Design Awards 2015 which was hosted at PaustianBO BEDRE, Bolig Magasinet and Costume Living, arranged ´Design Awards 2015´again this year , a lovely event to celebrate and choose the best designers, up commers, comebacker´s and many more. I enjoyed myself with great food, wine, and in company of old and new friends, and one of my big idols, former education minister, Bertel Haarder.

Best designers 2015  ´GAMFRATESI´

Bertel Haarder presenting best designers 2015.

Food, sweets, wine, old and new friends.

Copenhagen by night.

Valentino 4 Cash&Rocket.

Valentino has in cooperation with Cash&Rocket designed a collection of shoes, clothes and bags with 20% going directly to charity. You can still make a different and help to donate money to 1 of the 3 charities chosen by Cash&Rocket, by purchasing some of the amazing things seen below. Cash & Rocket raised $1.7 so fare on C&Rtour2015 this year, well done Julie. xxx Stina

Julie Brangstrup and co-creative director of Valentino Pierpaolo Picciolo 

MS-Navigator a luxury ship at the doorstep of The queen.

I was invited to a meeting with Kim Sørensen, the owner of the great MS-Navigator. An amazing ship in front of The Queens Castle in Copenhagen. Kim Sørensen rebuild the ship into a luxury hotel on the water some 5 years ago and she is now available for dinner, meetings, cruises or as a hotel. Kim Sørensen has keep 95% of the original ship and spared no cost to create his beautiful hotel on water. I was loving going around seeing the very stylish interior, the super shiny brass every where and specially the engine room down below, full of engines, instruments and cables from the 1940´s still intact. One person I would have loved to show this, is my late father, who would have appreciated such an experience a 100%. Most of my memories of him has to do with the sea. We would sail, waterski, swim, dive for mussels, go out early in the morning to watch the sun come up from the boat and enjoy lunch or dinner in harbours all over Denmark. Anything to do with the sea was our thing, basically. You should go and see for yourself and be impressed.

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Apples or pears, I choose Apple any day. They do it again and again, the newly launched, Apple watch  , is on the street and there is no way around it. Even though everybody is talking about families breaking down because of too much technology and media around the dinner table, this one will be a hit anyway. All you info on your wrist to go.                   

Apple watch makes all the ways you’re used to communicating more convenient. And because it sits right on your wrist, it can add a physical dimension to alerts and notifications. For example, you’ll feel a gentle tap with each incoming message. Apple Watch also lets you connect with your favorite people in fun, spontaneous ways — like sending a tap, a sketch, or even your heartbeat.

I just bought a new Mac, mine died over night after 5-6 years of hard work, so I guess it´s reasonable. As usual they come up with something nicer, thinner and cooler just weeks after and I unfortunately could not wait for it to be launched. But here it is .... Lovely :-)

It´s a family affair.

Yet again Julie Brangstrup made it happen. Cash&Rocket is on the road to raise money for charity. I think by now The Ladies must be driving into Milan the last stop before the finale. 

Through a unique online fundraising platform, Cash & Rocket has been able to raise in excess of $1,850,000 over 2012, 2013 and 2014. Cash & Rocket are incredibly proud that 100% of donations go directly to our charity partners.

Each year 70 tour ladies form 35 individual online teams to create friendly competition amongst their ladies and brands. Their teams and brands report back to fans about their fundraising success via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as encouraging support and donations from friends and followers.

In addition to online and individual team fundraising, Cash & Rocket also holds an annual Charity Auction Gala Dinner as part of each tour. The Gala Dinner enables the charities to raise an incredible amount of funding through the sale of unique, limited edition items, donated by partners and friends of Cash & Rocket . The Auction Gala Dinner always attracts many high-profile, charitable celebrity figures. Past attendees have included Princess Reema Bint Bander Al Saud, Selita Ebanks, Lady Christina Green, Jasmine Guiness, Daisy Lowe, Yasmin le Bon and Franca Sozzani, to name but a few.

C&R´s three charity partners – OAfrica, Shine on Sierra Leone and Sumbandila – provide life-changing support to women and children in Africa, through education and through healthcare. They were chosen as organisations where we can play a hands-on role in their development and witness real change. Through the vital work of our charity partners, we are making a huge difference to the lives of hundreds of women and children in Africa.

When Julie makes it happen and Cash & Rocket is on the road our whole family supports her charity. If we are not able to do the tour we will make sure to be a the Galla Dinner for the auction. Luca and I flew to London Thursday night and took part in the amazing event at The Dorchester together with the 300 other people invited.

I drove 2012 and it was an amazing experience that I will never forget. All the Great Ladies and cars and a great teamwork to raise as much money as possible for the much needed charities. 2012 we raised money for ´ AIDS free Africa 2015´ Miss Lily and I had 4 amazing days together 24 hours a day. Absolutely the best co-driver I could have dreamt for. Lily speaks and I drive :-)))

Julie is really good in finding the right group of interesting girls to do the tour. Everybody has a common interest in doing good and having a fun trip at the same time. Follow them on @cash_and_rocket You will find all the greatest bloggers, models, fashion people, CEO´s, artist, mothers and many many more.

Our Queen is turning 75 today.......HURRA HURRA HURRA.

Today it is the 75 th. birthday of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark. I went in front of her palace at Amalienborg with my son Oliver last year, and it´s so sweet to see young and old with thousands of flags waiting for her to come out on the balcony and greet everyone. I was watching a program about her the other day, and I was again reminded and amazed of how skilled she is. The Queen is intelligent, has a lot of knowledge on a great variety of subjects, she is strong, creative , artistic and a great Ambassador to Denmark. She has been able to bring The Danish Royal Family into the 20th. century in a modern way, which makes people love and respect her even more. It´s such a joy to see so many people from all over Denmark who travels to Copenhagen to celebrate her on her special day. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Queen Margrethe and Prince Henri. She always has great style with colourful dresses and fur.

A Grandma with her grandchildren , children and all of Denmark who comes to pay their respect, on her birthday. Even if reality hits us sometimes, Denmark is still one of the best countries to live in, modern, great and save. Long live The Queen.
