Our Queen is turning 75 today.......HURRA HURRA HURRA.

Today it is the 75 th. birthday of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark. I went in front of her palace at Amalienborg with my son Oliver last year, and it´s so sweet to see young and old with thousands of flags waiting for her to come out on the balcony and greet everyone. I was watching a program about her the other day, and I was again reminded and amazed of how skilled she is. The Queen is intelligent, has a lot of knowledge on a great variety of subjects, she is strong, creative , artistic and a great Ambassador to Denmark. She has been able to bring The Danish Royal Family into the 20th. century in a modern way, which makes people love and respect her even more. It´s such a joy to see so many people from all over Denmark who travels to Copenhagen to celebrate her on her special day. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Queen Margrethe and Prince Henri. She always has great style with colourful dresses and fur.

A Grandma with her grandchildren , children and all of Denmark who comes to pay their respect, on her birthday. Even if reality hits us sometimes, Denmark is still one of the best countries to live in, modern, great and save. Long live The Queen.
