It´s a family affair.

Yet again Julie Brangstrup made it happen. Cash&Rocket is on the road to raise money for charity. I think by now The Ladies must be driving into Milan the last stop before the finale. 

Through a unique online fundraising platform, Cash & Rocket has been able to raise in excess of $1,850,000 over 2012, 2013 and 2014. Cash & Rocket are incredibly proud that 100% of donations go directly to our charity partners.

Each year 70 tour ladies form 35 individual online teams to create friendly competition amongst their ladies and brands. Their teams and brands report back to fans about their fundraising success via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as encouraging support and donations from friends and followers.

In addition to online and individual team fundraising, Cash & Rocket also holds an annual Charity Auction Gala Dinner as part of each tour. The Gala Dinner enables the charities to raise an incredible amount of funding through the sale of unique, limited edition items, donated by partners and friends of Cash & Rocket . The Auction Gala Dinner always attracts many high-profile, charitable celebrity figures. Past attendees have included Princess Reema Bint Bander Al Saud, Selita Ebanks, Lady Christina Green, Jasmine Guiness, Daisy Lowe, Yasmin le Bon and Franca Sozzani, to name but a few.

C&R´s three charity partners – OAfrica, Shine on Sierra Leone and Sumbandila – provide life-changing support to women and children in Africa, through education and through healthcare. They were chosen as organisations where we can play a hands-on role in their development and witness real change. Through the vital work of our charity partners, we are making a huge difference to the lives of hundreds of women and children in Africa.

When Julie makes it happen and Cash & Rocket is on the road our whole family supports her charity. If we are not able to do the tour we will make sure to be a the Galla Dinner for the auction. Luca and I flew to London Thursday night and took part in the amazing event at The Dorchester together with the 300 other people invited.

I drove 2012 and it was an amazing experience that I will never forget. All the Great Ladies and cars and a great teamwork to raise as much money as possible for the much needed charities. 2012 we raised money for ´ AIDS free Africa 2015´ Miss Lily and I had 4 amazing days together 24 hours a day. Absolutely the best co-driver I could have dreamt for. Lily speaks and I drive :-)))

Julie is really good in finding the right group of interesting girls to do the tour. Everybody has a common interest in doing good and having a fun trip at the same time. Follow them on @cash_and_rocket You will find all the greatest bloggers, models, fashion people, CEO´s, artist, mothers and many many more.