Trick ´r Treat.

For me Halloween has always been something frightening since, my best friend and I, went alone to see the movie ´Halloween`  at the age of 10 in Vester Vov Vov ( if you have my age you remember Michael Myers and Jamie Lee Curtis really well, ........because you won´t be able to forget ) and then 10 years later attending a Halloween party in London which also scared the living ....... out of me ( the English like the American´s go all in when it comes to Halloween !! ) 

These day´s it´s a different story and I know my own limits better, for which reason I only get involved with kids stuff during Halloween. Since we went back to Copenhagen we are all in 31th of October in our neighbourhood. I was surprised the first year to see how many kids turned up. I usually don´t buy too little of anything, but that night I stood up from the couch and answered the door close to 99 times, really !!!! In the end I had to give the rest of the kids small exclusive Olive Olie bottle samples because I has out of candy. I have now learned my lesson and buy plenty :-) Another super important thing during Halloween are the right tools and you will not be standing like I did the first year with you heart up your throat while trying to carve and decorate 10 pumpkin with 9 small boys with each their butcher knife :-/ I hope their mothers won´t read this newsletter. Here is a little inspiration for next week.

Decorations of the house is important. Some go all the way with gimmick´s and scary stuff others are more simple like me.

Cakes and Candy are the main ingredient for a good Halloween. Make scary cup cakes with bleeding scares, meringue ghost´s, blood-like alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks and to serve kids "dirty-finger-free" candy insert lollipop´s in a pumpkin.

Make cute decorations and maybe not all in orange, if you are not a big fan like me, ......unless it involves Hermes ;-)

As for costumes you can do whatever you like. Cute, smart , sexy, scary, even simply through a sheet over you head and make 2 holes to peep through.

This is how it ended up this year, with Olivers good friends, great pumpkins, red wine for the parents, a beautiful decorated house and a little sickness after all the candy.

Boooo and enjoy, Christina