MS-Navigator a luxury ship at the doorstep of The queen.

I was invited to a meeting with Kim Sørensen, the owner of the great MS-Navigator. An amazing ship in front of The Queens Castle in Copenhagen. Kim Sørensen rebuild the ship into a luxury hotel on the water some 5 years ago and she is now available for dinner, meetings, cruises or as a hotel. Kim Sørensen has keep 95% of the original ship and spared no cost to create his beautiful hotel on water. I was loving going around seeing the very stylish interior, the super shiny brass every where and specially the engine room down below, full of engines, instruments and cables from the 1940´s still intact. One person I would have loved to show this, is my late father, who would have appreciated such an experience a 100%. Most of my memories of him has to do with the sea. We would sail, waterski, swim, dive for mussels, go out early in the morning to watch the sun come up from the boat and enjoy lunch or dinner in harbours all over Denmark. Anything to do with the sea was our thing, basically. You should go and see for yourself and be impressed.