Santa Claus has come to town, -at least in our family.

In our family, Christmas has always been very important. Well, actually any type of tradition where we have a good excuse to get together is very important to us. The thing about Christmas is, that every 2nd. year we have to divide up into groups because of spouses, divorces or other. We find it very hard :-) So to get around this problem we just have as many Christmas eve´s as possible. Which means, we started this Saturday with at great full-on Christmas evening at my mothers house, with cousins and spouses flying in from Spain, Italy and France. Full dinner with Champagne, Salmon, Porc, Duck, Ris ala mande, Marzipan and Mandarines-basically a never ending story of filling ourself on fantastic food and drinks while listning to great Christmas carols in the background and having the kids every 30 minutes asking for us to leave the table, to go to the living room to start opening the presents. Just to make sure nobody is left out we will have an other Christmas again here in Cph the 24th. of Dec. in my aunt´s house and after in Sicily with my in-laws. Oliver has 23 first cousins and has the pleasure to see them all, and we make sure he does  :-))))

I will never get too old for Christmas, and the more Mariah-songs I listen to,  ...... the better :-)


A speaker I actually want in my living room!

Music is a big part of my life. As a background…… or how I really like…….. full blast !!
But MG, most of the speakers I have had through my teen´s and up, were monsters. Fortunately lots of beautiful things has been designed since then. 
Bang & Olufsen is the absolute TOP. 
Many will argue that its possible to find better and for less, but B&O were the first with the greatest and cleanest design,………… and in my opinion still is. 
With B&O design you will incorporate design, functionality, quality and art in one.

BeoLab18, this classic beauty will lift any room. It´s a sculpture on it´s own.

BeoLab20, this cute new design goes everywhere.

Oh My! 12 break-ins in a little cozy street in Cph.

Even though we live in a save and cozy neighborhood in Denmark, it happens here too ! Fortunately the burglars were professionals, and nobody was hurt or very scared.But it´s an invasion of your privacy and a lot of important lost things, which makes people unhappy. Best thing to do to get one of these.

Great Danes are fantastic family dogs and even if they seem to need lots of space because of their size, they really don´t, because of their close bond to their owner and their quit lazy attitude. Furthermore, they hardly ever bark ( often smaller dog´s do.... like small men! )  But if GreatDanes do, you should give it some attention, because then something is usually wrong!

Having been used to live in our rather large home in Sicily, and often on my own, I have been very happy and save with our 5 GreatDanes :-)

On a couple of occasions people have tried to jump our wall´s, but having been meet with 5 of these "big black ones" , they have been jumping right back over, in fear.

GreatDanes are lovely and cuddly family dog´s, but they will guard you, and get between you and whatever threat.

For sure our ´visitors´ came close to my house here in our cozy little street in Denmark too, but after seeing Caesar welcoming them at the kitchen window, they wisely chose one of my poor neighbours :-/


If you are not really into pet´s get one of these ;-)
