The Tower.

I went for lunch with Luca the other day in the newly opened restaurant, The Tower, which is the tower of the Danish Parliament. The view from the tower of Christiansborg Palace is unique and magnificent – Copenhagen’s highest tower, which is now open to the public, for the very first time. The tower is the property of the Danish Parliament, whose Members took the initiative to open it – for the pleasure of all those who live in or are visiting Copenhagen. Bojesen is your host at the restaurant, and you will be served classic danish open sandwiches and great desserts with a twist. If you are lucky you could be sitting  across the present Danish Prime Minister, ´Selfie Helle´ and other   MP´s. Great interior, good service and nice light food. Definitely worth trying.


View of The Tower at Christiansborg Palace.

Great simple interior at The Tower.

Amazing presentation of traditional Danish open sandwiches.