12 great styles of using ceramic tiles for interior.

Ceramic tiles are usually used for interior in bathrooms or kitchens, and often only in warmer countries like in the south, because the ceramic tiles take the temperatur of the surroundings and keeps the cool that is needed there . But for wall´s and in modern isolated houses like we have it here, ceramic tiles are easily used without problems . My 4 favourite tiles companies are ...MADE A MANO  ........   FIRED EARTH    ........   DAHL STUDIO  .......  CASA CHRISTINA . Ceramic tiles are great to give a room that little extra to make it delicate and interesting.


Simple tiles kept in white on wall´s and black vucanic tiles for the floor.

Silver mirror-like ceramic tiles make a simple kitchen wall like this much more interesting.


Beautiful glazed tiles in white gives the feel of a room warmth in the bathroom.


Dark green glazed tiles gives an amazing effect in a simple bathroom. 


Very chick and elegant with a mix of tiles, marble and brass.


Made a mano´s amazing light green floor tiles put in a herringbone effect is a new and beautiful way of using ceramic tiles.


Countertops costume made from Made a mano made for kitchens, bathrooms, bars and other.


Special mirror effect tiles are a great way to create a different kind of decor in a room.


The more traditional way to use ceramic tiles with colored decorated classic tiles like these or hand made tiles from CASA CHRISTINA.


Mini tiles to create you own costume made sink for kitchen or bathroom.


New "antique" rustic tiles in beautiful shapes gives this classic look in a modern way.


Beautiful, simple and light at the same time.

 Let it go all the way through from ceiling to floor .  


Let it go all the way through from ceiling to floor .




Super dramatic effect with the glazed black tiles on wall´s and the beautiful decorated floor.


A classic and beautiful way to use tiles in diamond shape in hallways.