Easter is just around the corner.

It will be Easter very soon which to me means, great lunches, massive amount of chocolate, good weather, lots of children around and vacation. The traditional yellow is not really my colour, personally I go for something in soft blue or green colours. Create your own eggs by colouring or use glitter. Blow out the egg, let them dry and then decorate with glitter-dust, colour, cut-up paper in mixed colours or other things you like. Find branches in the woods or at your neighbour´s place, put them in big vases and hang your beautiful decorated egg´s. No Easter without an egg hunt in the forest, the garden or your apartment, kids loves it.



Cute and elegant.

Rustic and simple.

Use pretty soft colours.

Happy easter


Copenhagen Radio City Hall.

Radio City Hall ´Radiohuset´ in Copenhagen was created by the Danish functionalist architect,  Vilhelm Lauritzen, in the years from 1937-45. With help from his dear colleague, architect Finn Juhl who designed most of the furniture in the building. Being build during the war, with very few resources, Vilhelm Lauritzen found that instead of using rubber, he would use cheap soft Finnish birch mixed with teak, to create the right conditions for sound throughout the building. All wall´s are covered with maple, which over the years has turned reddish because of the exposure of the light. The building was conserved in 1994 for being a masterpiece of danish modernism.


During ´Danish Fashion Week´14 ´ I was asked, by Goldmind,  to be responsible for the interior for their ´Jewellery Room ´ event in the beautiful ceramic room which is located on the second floor of Radiohuset. Carl Hansen & Son was very kind to lend us their incredible classic designer furniture for the purpose. 


The Tower.

I went for lunch with Luca the other day in the newly opened restaurant, The Tower, which is the tower of the Danish Parliament. The view from the tower of Christiansborg Palace is unique and magnificent – Copenhagen’s highest tower, which is now open to the public, for the very first time. The tower is the property of the Danish Parliament, whose Members took the initiative to open it – for the pleasure of all those who live in or are visiting Copenhagen. Bojesen is your host at the restaurant, and you will be served classic danish open sandwiches and great desserts with a twist. If you are lucky you could be sitting  across the present Danish Prime Minister, ´Selfie Helle´ and other   MP´s. Great interior, good service and nice light food. Definitely worth trying.


View of The Tower at Christiansborg Palace.

Great simple interior at The Tower.

Amazing presentation of traditional Danish open sandwiches.

Le Cap Horn, the best maritime place in the mountains.

The last day of our vacation we treated our self to a great lunch at Le Cap Horn. A MUST when in Courchevel ! This amazing decadent restaurant is like walking on to a movie set. You are met with  loud dance music on the terrace, really glittery looking people, very nice looking staff and a 6 ft. Swarovski skull!!! Inside you are, right away,  presented with the opportunity to purchase a pair of 14 ct. earrings from Moussaieff,  if you should feel the need for that, after a great lunch of ousters or their famous chicken or the choice of one of their more than 600 listed wines. Or if you don´t have the ´trillions´ you would need for that,  you can do what I did, ....... just dive into the best desert table, know to mankind, which has everything from home made crepes, mini ice-creme cone´s, amazing fruitcakes to the most wonderful chocolate mousse.  At Le Cap Horn, the vibe is great, friendly and fun. It´s the perfect playground for grown-ups, with a "little" extra to spend :-)

Le Cap Horn

Lovely skiing for New Year in Courchevel 1850.

Since forever, we have as a family been going skiing between Christmas and New Year. Usually in places like St. Moritz, Val Dísere, Meribel, Verbier, Sestriere ect. Parents, cousins, nephews, spouses, siblings, minimum 16-18 at the time. And I am sure the groupe next year will be even bigger, ......right mom? This year we chose Courchevel for the first time in many years, for its great skiing when you are a mix of good to great skiers. Brilliant slopes which are cleaned well every night, great restaurants and bars directly on the slopes, fantastic shopping, wonderful Chalet´s to rent and great hotels and spa´s. Sadly, since I had a very bad accident skiing 15 years ago in Italy,  I have not been able to ski. I would stand there every morning waving goodbye to all the others who were so lucky to go up the mountain, and then I would spend the rest of the day making lunch reservations, spa bookings, drinking vin chaud, buying hot chocolate for cold kid´s, making dinner plans and so forth. Not bad, BUT still ! Finally this year I decided it was time to try skiing again. My doctor had given me the ok the year before. The weather and slopes were too good to be true. At first a little stiff but on the second day I got the rhythm back in hips and knees. And it didn't look to bad at all  ;-)


Santa Claus has come to town, -at least in our family.

In our family, Christmas has always been very important. Well, actually any type of tradition where we have a good excuse to get together is very important to us. The thing about Christmas is, that every 2nd. year we have to divide up into groups because of spouses, divorces or other. We find it very hard :-) So to get around this problem we just have as many Christmas eve´s as possible. Which means, we started this Saturday with at great full-on Christmas evening at my mothers house, with cousins and spouses flying in from Spain, Italy and France. Full dinner with Champagne, Salmon, Porc, Duck, Ris ala mande, Marzipan and Mandarines-basically a never ending story of filling ourself on fantastic food and drinks while listning to great Christmas carols in the background and having the kids every 30 minutes asking for us to leave the table, to go to the living room to start opening the presents. Just to make sure nobody is left out we will have an other Christmas again here in Cph the 24th. of Dec. in my aunt´s house and after in Sicily with my in-laws. Oliver has 23 first cousins and has the pleasure to see them all, and we make sure he does  :-))))

I will never get too old for Christmas, and the more Mariah-songs I listen to,  ...... the better :-)